Friday 25 March 2011

Do it your way.


Simple. A temporary job. Temporary Employment. Perfect one might think for an actress or a musician or a performer. And you would be right, it is, in theory the perfect job for any 'resting' artist. Until this year i had never done it, I have always been lucky enough to have extremely flexible employers who allowed time off for auditions and shows etc. All this changed however when I decided this year to hand in my notice at my permanent employment. I felt I had done all I could for them and needed a change. A positive step forward. And so in the meantime... I tried temping.

WOW! What an experience. I was not prepared. I'm not sure what I expected? I have in the passed been accused of wearing rose coloured glasses, romanticizing situations, or just being oblivious to reality, but this was different. This was stark and real and absolutely wholly unavoidable. I agreed to a 4 hour shift of admin support. I have to say they were the longest 4 hours of my life. Fact. Never before in a work place have I felt so utterly useless and useful at the same time. I am used to aiming high, encouraging staff, creating an aspirational work place. Temping, for me, was none of the above. Although i knew i was helping on one level i just couldn't get out of my head that in four hours time i would be gone and whatever work i had started, wouldn't get finished.... Absurd right?

So that was it. 4 hours and i realized temping wasn't for me. Some might say his is a rash decision, i disagree. I think you know when something is going to work for you and when it's not. I admire anyone who is strong enough to go in to different places each day and work knowing that tomorrow they'll be somewhere else in a job they have no intention of forging a career in. I now know that I can not do that.

So the search is on for me to find flexible employment in an industry i enjoy :) i am pushing my links in the media industry, film and television. I figure if i'm going to spend 8 hours a day working (and it's not acting) then it needs to be something that inspires me; something i enjoy. And with a trip to Vegas, a trek around India and a new house to pay for i better find something soon.

The fact is, you do what you need to do, but that doesn't mean you have to be unhappy while you're doing it. Make your choices wisely, think things over, and if your doing something you don't like then change it. You are in control. You are not like everyone else, you're you. Doing your thing. So do it your way.